sábado, 1 de julio de 2017

The water crisis: water rich and poor countries.

Countries where there is a lack of water are called water poor countries, while countries that rely on water, are given the name of “water rich countries. The situation of water poor countries brings many problems to people living in them, for example women in water poor countries are responsible of collecting water and they lose time they could spend on school or working, being locked on a of water. Also, water crisis has an impact on people's health since access to safe water helps reducing maternal and child mortality rate, girls do not have to go out on long, tiring journeys in the look for water carrying heavy container and the possibility of sexual assaults is lower as they don't have to go to dangerous remote places to find water.

The water crisis is affecting all of us in higher or lower rates, because what is happening to girls in water poor countries can happen in a possible future all around the world, or to the next generation no matter if their ancestors lived in water rich countries. People who are deliberately wasting water surely are not thinking about this poor girls or boys who live in this precariously way and don't have access to clean or fresh water, and neither are them thinking about their future children or grandchildren, because if we don't measure and reduce the use and wasting of water, this will keep on growing until we are all affected.

2 comentarios:

  1. Good summary, Sebastián. Check language and punctuation mistakes. For example you say "responsible for". When you say that "water- rich countries rely on water" it's actually, all countries and people that rely on water. Water-rich countries are called like that because they have great availibility of water.

  2. I forgot to tell you that I couldn't see the picture here either. Maybe you can show both to me in class.
